Sunday, March 6, 2011

My baby is a Rock Star

Bill and I ventured out on our first Kansas road trip yesterday.  It was also the first trip with Charleigh.  She exceeded our expectations on the way here and at the wedding last night.  She was shown off by her aunts.  Everyone kept telling us how beautiful she is ( like we didn't already know).  Several people were amazed that the whole night they didn't hear a peep from her.  She slept through the ceremony which made me breathe a little easier  since we were sitting in the front row.  One of Bill's aunts thought it was the processional music that lulled her to sleep.  During the reception the exact opposite was true. The loud rythmic thumping of the base and the flashing lights on the ceiling kept her very alert. Once the music stopped I fed her and she drifted off to sleep for about 1/2 hour while we cleaned.  Then sat in her car seat and played with her sunshine lighting bug toy that hands from the handle.  We got home she ate and fell asleep again and slept 7 1/2 hours and is happy this morning. 

Thank you Jesus for making my baby so amazing!!!  I have to give you all the glory because you made her so wonderfully!!! 

I will add a picture later

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