Since all my goals this year require change I need to get my head around what it is going to take. In church they talked about that very thing. If we try to do it on our own it is just behaivor management. Instead we need to submit ourselves to God and allow Him to change us from the inside out. I am stuggling with this when it comes to regaining my girly figure after pregnancy. I went through my first journey of change a couple years ago. That journey went pretty well and I did succeed as far as losing weight goes. I lost 45 lbs. But as I went on my journey I found myself fixating on the plan and not on Jesus. So this time around I would like to make an internal change while I work on the external too.
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My thinnest 2009 |
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Before 2008 |

So I will be posting updates on how I am doing weekly. To start here are pictures of before and after my first journey, at 8 months pregnant, and after Charleigh's birth.
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i'm glad i'm wearing black in all those photos, its more slimming and less revealing of my own problem! ha